PBCs should be well vetted, familiar with the history of E Clampus Vitus and learned to the proper etiquette they must abide by during their initiation. To help prepare your PBC for this Matuca 1849 has provided, for your convenience, both the PBC Application and Educational Booklet below.
If you are a PBC it is vital that you read and memorize the history of The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus and the particulars of Matuca Chapter 1849, all of which are included in the Educational Booklet below. There will be a history test upon completion of your initiation ceremony and your ability to recite the particulars of the history of The Order and The Chapter will be of paramount importance.
To expedite your (possible) entrance into The Order and much to the delight of the Grand Noble Recorder also print and fill out, without omission or errors, the PBC Application form below and promptly provide it to your sponsor.
Remember, not all applicants will be accepted. Only the best of candidates who have passed the qualifying examination and completed the ceremony to the satisfaction of the Hangman shall be provided admittance.